The Pebbles Print Series

A Series of three prints by Alicja Pałys inspired by nature’s imperfect beauty.

The Pebbles prints are composed of two organic shapes separated by a thin, irregular spacing – almost like a crack in a rock. The shapes are different and separate, yet effortlessly fit together. Because of this closeness, it seems that they cannot function separately - they are an obvious unity. 

‘A perfect circle or a straight line doesn’t exist in nature. And there is no such thing as a "perfect shape". And yet it’s exactly as it’s meant to be. I wanted this unpretentiousness, the obviousness, this intuitiveness to resonate in my graphics’

Printed on FSC certified ecological Alga Carta paper. 

Alga Carta is recyclable, biodegradable, FSC certified paper, produced with energy from renewable sources. This paper is born from algae that proliferated in an abnormal way damaging the fragile ecosystem of the Venice Lagoon. Patented by Favini, the production process uses algae to produce the ecological paper according to principles of the circular economy. 

The seaweed particles visible on the surface give the paper a unique, natural look.

Pebbles No1 - W 300mm x H 400mm
Pebbles No2 - W 300mm x H 400mm
Pebbles No3 - W 300mm x H 400mm

FSC certified ecological Alga Carta paper.

Design by Alicja Pałys for Katha

Pichets Et Fruits Print Series

Playful freshness and lively colours sign the collection of prints created by Philippe Lareau for Katha. 

The inspiration behind Philippe Lareau’s beautiful artwork is those simple, everyday objects that are such an integral part of rituals we perform, that their presence almost slips the mind. In Philippe Lareau’s work, the silent and reassuring presence of those ordinary objects becomes elevated, with their shape, colour and texture transforming into characters that command our attention and tickle our emotions. 

Playful, fresh and charming with bold use of colour and texture, Philippe Lareau’s work is unmistakably modern, with minimal light forms imbued with emotions and humour.

Pichet Blanc Au Citron
W 300mm x H 400mm
W 500mm x H 700mm

Pichet Rouge À La Poire
W 300mm x H 400mm
W 500mm x H 700mm

Pichet Noir Aux Poires
W 300mm x H 400mm
W 500mm x H 700mm

200 g Lag Scandia 2000 

Design by Philippe Lareau for Katha

Pichet Blanc Au Citron

Pichet Rouge À La Poire

Pichet Noir Aux Poires